Wednesday, January 8, 2014

43 Reasons Why Buzzfeed Needs to Disappear

Buzzfeed needs to disappear because:

1. Nobody cares
2. #1 is actually true
3. The number of reasons "why" is actually completely random (generated here)
4. Nobody reads it
5. You're sharing it on the wrong place (that's what they made Google Plus for)
6. Your family and friends will still love you if you don't share it
7. There's more to do in life than read Buzzfeed
8. Like go outside
9. Read a book
10. Cook some food
11. Compliment a stranger
12. Get a dog (okay, confession: I stole this one from another Buzzfeed)
13. Put your phone down
14. Or pick it up and call your grandma (she'd love to hear from you)
15. Brb
16. Just called grandma. She's great.
17. There's probably a Buzzfeed about why you shouldn't Buzzfeed
18. You don't want to become "that Buzzfeed posting person"
19. Chipotle is better than Qdoba
20. There's probably 37 Buzzfeeds about why the above statement is true
21. Buzzfeed rhymes with buzz-Creed
22. You will be 37% more likely to make better grades
23. Data plans are getting expensive
24. Contrary to common belief, Buzzfeed is actually the NSA spying on you
25. Hey Obama
26. Every time something is posted on Buzzfeed, a kitten dies
27. Spotify.
28. Because Spotify is incredible and you should check it out
29. Santa Clause isn't real
30. Oh crap, I didn't spoil anything for anyone did I?
32. ...
33. WAIT, this just in: Nobody cares about reading that Buzzfeed
34. "I don't normally Buzzfeed, actually I never do that crap" -The Most Interesting Man in the World
35. If you're that bored, try this: warning, you may never Buzzfeed again
36. Nickelback loves Buzzfeed
37. "Look at this Buzzfeed, it's something that you NEED to read."
38. Sorry for getting 'Photograph' stuck in your head - my b
39. The singer of Nickelback is married to Avril Lavigne. Sorry all you sk8r boyz still holding out.
40. You find Buzzfeed so annoying that you just read 40 reasons of why it needs to disappear
41. The article is never as exciting as you thought it would be
42. Crazy
43. See all of the above

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